What Is MPGe For Electric Cars?

Last Updated on June 6, 2022 by

MPGe stands for miles per gallon of gasoline-equivalent. It’s a way of comparing the fuel efficiency of different non-liquid fuel powered vehicles, like hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles, to that of vehicles powered by a traditional internal combustion engine.

MPGe is a term you might have seen around lately – perhaps on car stickers, reviews, on car websites, and in car magazines. What exactly does it mean? This guide will help to clarify!

What Does MPGe Mean?

MPGe stands for miles per gallon of gasoline-equivalent. It’s a way of comparing the fuel efficiency of different non-liquid fuel powered vehicles, like hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles, to that of vehicles powered by a traditional internal combustion engine.

Why Is MPGe Important?

With more and more cars being designed to run on alternative fuels, the MPGe rating is an important metric which helps to outline their energy consumption.

It calculates how many miles a certain alternative-fuel vehicle can travel when using the equivalent amount of electric energy as one gallon of gas.

An MPGe rating allows owners, manufacturers, and prospective buyers to understand the efficiency of electric / hybrid motors in comparison to traditional internal combustion engines.

What Is A Good MPGe Rating?

MPGe can be confusing – here’s a simple explanation of MPGe for EVs

With a traditional gas engine, getting 50 miles of range out of a gallon of fuel is considered an excellent rating.

However, a hybrid vehicle or electric motor can expect to cover 100 miles of range using the equivalent energy consumption. This demonstrates how much more energy efficient EVs and hybrid vehicles are than gasoline powered vehicles.

When it comes to MPGe ratings, the higher the number the better, because it means the vehicle in question can travel further whilst using less energy.

Why Do I Need To Know My Vehicle’s MPGe Rating?

It is important to know what a vehicle’s MPGe rating is because it indicates what that vehicle’s energy consumption is and therefore how many emissions it gives off. Cars with a higher MPGe give off less emissions and therefore are better for the environment.

The MPGe rating also indicates how much a vehicle is likely to cost to run and how often it will need charging up.

How To Calculate MPGe

To calculate MPGe you must first calculate the equivalent amount of electrical energy (KWh of electricity) to a gallon of gas. KWh refers to kilowatt hours of electricity, and the conversion is generally calculated to be 33.7 kWh = 1 gallon of gasoline.

This means a car gets about 100 MPGe by driving 100 miles on 33.7 kWh of electricity.

How Do You Calculate MPG?

The best way to understand how MPGe is calculated is to first understand how MPG is calculated. MPG stands for miles per gallon and it is the metric used to measure the fuel efficiency of gasoline driven vehicles.

MPG is calculated using the formula: number of miles covered divided by gallons of fuel consumed.

How Do You Compare MPG and MPGe?

What Is MPGe?

A PHEV uses both electricity and gasoline. The efficiency of the PHEV depends on how many miles you drive on electricity and how far you travel using gasoline.

To calculate the overall efficiency of your PHEV, multiply the two numbers together. For example, if you drove 40 miles on electricity and 100 miles on gasoline, then your overall efficiency was 80%.

To figure out how many miles you can drive on a single charge, divide the total number of miles by the number of gallons used. Then multiply this number by 1.3 to get your MPGe rating.

What Affects A Car’s MPGe?

The EPA has established a formula which calculates the MPGe rating based on how many miles you drive, your vehicle weight and size, and your battery efficiency.

Other factors that can affect MPGe include: towing weight, excessive short trips, cold weather travel, sudden braking / accelerating, and speeding.

What Is My Car’s MPGe Rating?

You can find your car’s MPGe rating on its window sticker. Look under the “EPA Fuel Economy” section.

Who Invented The MPGe Rating System ?

In 2007, the EPA and NHTSA did several studies to come up with the best way to redesign labels while providing consumers with simple comparisons across the car industry between gas and alternative energy consumption.

The EPA used focus groups to determine how people understood the term “kilowatt-hour” when it came to reporting fuel economy. People preferred a miles per gallon equivalent (MPGe) rating system over a traditional MPG rating.

Therefore, the EPA switched to the MPGe system for labeling efficiency.

What Are Monroney Stickers?

The Monroney sticker was created by Senator Almon B. Monroney (1898-1962) who served as United States Senator from Oklahoma from 1947 until 1962.

He introduced a bill in Congress to require manufacturers to put a sticker on each vehicle showing the model, year, engine size, body style, and other data. The legislation passed in 1951 and went into effect in 1953.

Why Do We Need Monroney Stickers?

Monroney stickers were designed to help consumers make informed decisions when purchasing new or used automobiles.

They also helped dealerships determine what models should be offered on their lots. Today, most states still have laws requiring the display of Monroney stickers.

Some states even require them to be displayed outside the window of every automobile. These stickers provide important information about the safety features of the vehicle, its reliability, maintenance records, and mileage. They also tell potential buyers whether the vehicle has been recalled.

How Does MPGe Affect Car Costs?

What Is MPGe?

Cars using electricity instead of gasoline generally use less fuel. This means that you will spend less money on filling up your vehicle by choosing a car from an electric range than from gas-powered vehicles..

The cost of electricity is lower than the cost of gasoline, yet there are other factors that will affect the overall running cost of your EV.

How Does MPGe Relate To Running Costs?

Electric vehicles are much more efficient than gas cars. A typical electric vehicle gets about 136 MPG while a gasoline car gets around 30 MPG. That means that an electric vehicle uses less fuel per mile driven than a regular car. However, there’s a catch.

An electric vehicle needs to be recharged every night or week depending on the battery size. So if you drive a lot, you’ll need to charge your car regularly. In addition, some electric cars cost as much as $30,000.

How Do You Calculate The Running Cost Of EVs?

What dos it really cost to run an EV?

To understand the true running costs of an electric vehicle you must consider the average electricity rates in your area (as you will most likely charge up at home the majority of the time), the electric range (battery size and power) of your car model, and the MPGe rating.

Are Electric Vehicles Worth It?

Electric cars use less energy than fossil fuel cars. Electric cars also save money by using less energy. Alternative fuel cars use much less gas than traditional ones. That means they consume less energy.

Energy efficiency is important because we don’t want to waste our resources. We also don’t want to pollute the environment. Although an EV may cost you more initially, the costs will eventually even out and you will save money overall.


MPGe is a great way of measuring the fuel efficiency of your car. Understanding a car’s MPGe rating will help you to decide which model will be the most energy efficient, least polluting, and most cost effective car for you.

Derek Bruce
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