Why Is My Hoverboard Beeping?

Last Updated on January 17, 2023 by

Hoverboards have become increasingly popular in recent years and it is blatantly clear as to why!

They have to be the most innovative and fun motorized toys available today. We think it’s fair to say that hoverboards have found a place in the hearts of many adults and kids around the world.

However, that isn’t to say that they don’t come without their problems.

Why Is My Hoverboard Beeping

Hoverboards are quite complicated electric vehicles that require a certain amount of care, vigilance, and maintenance. If your hoverboard begins to beep or flash red, it is likely that something may be wrong.

To learn more about why your hoverboard might be beeping, and how to solve some common problems associated with hoverboards, check out the ultimate guide below.

We cover everything, from what different beeping sequences mean, to how to calibrate hoverboards and everything in between!

Common Hoverboard Problems

Problem Fix
Hoverboard not turning on Check the battery level and make sure it is charged. Also check the power switch to ensure it is in the “on” position.
Hoverboard not balancing Make sure the hoverboard is on a level surface and try calibrating the balance sensors by following the instructions in the user manual.
Hoverboard beeping constantly This is typically an indicator of a low battery. Charge the hoverboard fully to stop the beeping.
Hoverboard not reaching full speed Check the weight of the rider and make sure it is within the hoverboard’s weight limit. Also check if the speed settings have been adjusted to a lower level.
Hoverboard wheels not spinning Check the wheels for any debris or obstructions and make sure they are properly inflated. If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer for further assistance.

Why is My Hoverboard Beeping Red?

If you’re concerned because your hoverboard is showing a blinking red light in the shape of a battery, there is no need to worry.

Your hoverboard is simply showing you that it is extremely low on charge. If it blinks green, it is showing you that the battery life is under 20%. If it blinks red, it is showing you that the battery life is under 5%.

It is worth mentioning that you should never use your hoverboard when the battery is this low.

This could cause the battery to heat up, as a consequence of bearing the load on a low battery. This will damage other components in the hoverboard and could cause it to break or decrease the performance.

If your hoverboard is showing a blinking red light coming from the middle of your hoverboard after you have activated it, this is a sign that there is something wrong with your hoverboard that requires repairing.

Generally, this light will blink in a very specific sequence, depending on what is wrong with it.

Check out the list of sequences below to diagnose your hoverboard.

  • Red light flashes once – This is a sign that there is a loose connection somewhere inside the motherboard. It is also a sign that the motherboard may need to be replaced.
  • Red light flashes twice – This is a sign that there is a problem with the internal circuitry of the hoverboard. If this is the case, you will likely notice that the hoverboard struggles to balance itself.
  • Red light flashes three times – Again, this is a sign that there is a problem with the internal circuit. If this is the case, the hoverboard will struggle to balance properly, and it may start beeping when it tilts past 20 degrees.
  • Red light flashes four times – This suggests that there is a problem with the internal motor on the motherboard side.
  • Red light flashes five times – This also suggests that there is a problem with the internal motor, but this time it is the one on the side of the battery.
  • Red light flashes 6 times – This is a sign of a faulty battery. It is very important that you stop using the hoverboard immediately if this is the case.
  • Red light flashes seven times – This is a sign that the gyroscopes (the pieces of equipment in your hoverboard that are responsible for balancing) are faulty. This particular number of flashes suggests that there is a fault with the gyroscope on the battery side of the hoverboard.
  • Red light flashes 8 times – This is a sign that there is a problem with the gyroscope on the motherboard side of the hoverboard.

How Do You Fix a Hoverboard with a Red Light?

Obviously, if you’re having the battery issue described above, you will just need to stop using your hoverboard immediately and charge it properly.

If, however, you diagnose your hoverboard with one of the more serious problems above, you will need to perform one of the solutions listed below.

  • Red light flashes once – For this problem, you will need to check all of the connections in the motherboard. To do this, disconnect all of the connections, and when reconnecting them, remain vigilant for anything that may have become loose or broken. It is important that you mainly focus on the ones from the hoverboard’s mainboard that extend to other parts of the hoverboard.
    If this process doesn’t work, you will need to purchase a replacement motherboard. It will need to exactly match the one that your hoverboard currently has. You can also purchase a hoverboard circuit board replacement kit to make the process easier. However, if you aren’t confident, we recommend contacting a qualified technician.
  • Red light flashes twice – Internal circuit problems are pretty much impossible to fix. As such, we recommend replacing the circuit board and the internals with new parts. You can purchase a kit to do so, or you can contact a technician to complete the job.
  • Red light flashes three times – The solution for this problem is exactly the same as that described above (2).
  • Red light flashes four times – For this problem, you will need to replace the motor on the motherboard side of the hoverboard. Generally, hoverboard motors come fully assembled inside of a new wheel.
  • Red light flashes five times – Similar to the solution above, for this problem, you will need to replace the motor on the battery side.
  • Red light flashes six times – For this problem, you will need to replace the battery of your hoverboard. When it comes to the battery of a hoverboard, it is necessary to purchase a particularly high-quality one. If you feel unsure of what battery to buy, we recommend contacting a technician or discussing the issue with a sales assistant.
  • Red light flashes 7 times – For this problem, you can replace the gyroscopes. However, it may be easier to replace the full circuit board using a replacement kit. Remember, it is necessary that the brand, model, and voltage of the gyroscopes match that of your motherboard.
  • Red light flashes 8 times – For this problem, follow the solution above (7).

Why is My Hoverboard Beeping on One Side?

This beeping may occur when your Hoverboard notices that either the surface that the hoverboard is on or the hoverboard platform itself, is tilted one way by more than 15 degrees. It will also occur if the hoverboard is on an incline that exceeds 30 degrees.

Why Is My Hoverboard Beeping

Similarly, your hoverboard may beep when you’re using it if you exceed the maximum speed of your hoverboard. This should always be avoided, as the hoverboard becomes dangerous to ride. The beeping is a safety feature to warn you that you are going too fast.

How Do I Get My Hoverboard to Stop Beeping?

If your hoverboard is beeping as a consequence of the speed, it is important that you slow down immediately. Once you reach a speed that is within its normal range, the hoverboard should stop beeping.

If your hoverboard is beeping as a consequence of balance problems, first try placing your hoverboard on a flat and smooth surface.

If the hoverboard stops beeping, you have solved the problem! If it doesn’t stop, you will need to recalibrate your hoverboard by following the steps below.

  1. Turn your hoverboard off.
  2. Adjust the foot pedals until they are completely level with both the ground and each other.
  3. Press down the power button for ten seconds. You should hear a beep and see a flash of the LED lights.
  4. Press the power button to turn off the hoverboard again.
  5. Press the power button to turn the hoverboard on.
  6. Now, your hoverboard should be calibrated. However, you may need to repeat the process a few times to fully calibrate your hoverboard. Often it takes 3 times for the hoverboard to be completely calibrated.

What Does it Mean When the Gotrax Edge Hoverboard is Constantly Beeping?

Your Gotrax Edge hoverboard could be beeping for a number of reasons, including all of those described above.

It could be a consequence of something simple, such as a low battery, exceeding the maximum speed, or experiencing too high an incline.

The Gotrax Edge has also been known to beep when it experiences an uneven pressure on the sensors.

For instance, if you stand with one foot on your hoverboard, it may beep as a consequence of uneven pressure. This only happens with some Gotrax models.

If you think that your Gotrax Edge is beeping for a more serious reason due to the sequence of the beeping/flashing lights, we recommend contacting the manufacturer rather than trying to fix it yourself. Some Gotrax products may come with a good warranty.

How Do You Reset the Gotrax Edge Hoverboard?

However, before you worry too much about the state of your hoverboard, it is a good idea to reset. More often than not, after recalibrating the hoverboard, the beeping will stop and the problem will be fixed.

To reset the Gotrax Edge hoverboard, you simply need to follow the recalibration steps above. Remember, it may be necessary to perform this sequence up to three times for the problem to be completely fixed – so be patient!

What Does it Mean When the Swagtron Hoverboard is Beeping?

Similar to the Gotrax Edge hoverboard, the Swagtron could be beeping for a number of reasons, particularly those listed above. However, according to the Swagtron troubleshooting page, the hoverboard is likely to be beeping for one of three reasons.

First, the SwagTron hoverboard may not be calibrated. Second, one or both of the wheels may be broken. If this is the case, you will see four or five blinks of one of the LED lights. Finally, it may also be beeping due to a damaged gyroscope. If this is the case, you will notice seven or eight flashes of the LED light.

How Do You Reset a SwagTron Hoverboard?

If you notice your SwagTron hoverboard beeping and it isn’t as a consequence of exceeding the maximum speed or incline, you should first reset the hoverboard. This is likely to solve the problem for you.

To reset the SwagTron hoverboard, you simply need to follow the step-by-step guide above. The troubleshooting guide recommends that you also use a carpenter’s level to ensure that the hoverboard is as balanced and flat as possible.

Final Thoughts

Hoverboards are awesome pieces of equipment. They are a super fun and innovative way for both adults and kids to get around.

However, they have a complicated build and don’t come without their problems. We hope that this article has helped you to solve whatever problems your hoverboard is facing!

How To FIX Hoverboard Red Light Blinking & Beeping Noise!

Derek Bruce
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